Friday, August 31, 2018

Hey Ken Brandt, was there any Hanky-Panky going on between you and Ms Sonja?

In days gone by (while Sonja was living with Dusty Rhoades) R.E.R became deathly ill. Why? An intentional overdose of his prescription medications. Oh My!! Who could have done this? The list of suspects isn't too long. He didn't die just then, but he died anyway (Awwwww, tisk-tisk). Ken Brandt is privy to ALL of the details, including what happened thereafter to Ms Sonja. Call his ass up and ask him. He lives on W. Hasting Lake Rd. In Jonesville, MI
Sonja moves from Daphny AL, to Litchfield MI. Biblical Biblical Kenny can fill you in on the details. After some time she gets married and moves back to Daphny AL. This is where the story picks up.

As time goes by one of the members of the of the Maranatha Bible Society (Bill Sherrill) was advancing in years and needed elderly care. Inter Stage Left Sonja M McGilberry. Then what happens? Ms Sonja proves how "holy" she is! There is a very good possibility that Ms Sonja could end up going to prison. Hey! Anilize the episode with Dusty Rhoades. Whoever gave RER this drug overdose...that's Attempted Murder!

PS: Hey Biblical Biblical Kenny - was this all foreordained?

PPS: Watch this How to Be Holy Vid ~ Click Here

FYI about Ms Sonja Click Here

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